Monday, June 12, 2017

VENUE | S6L Events and Momentary Snapshots — Vocal EQ Cut

The recent VENUE 5.4 software update for Avid VENUE | S6L delivers new non-sequential Snapshots and massive additions to the Events list triggers and actions, enabling you to program S6L to support your workflow like never before. In this series, we explore some custom Events that can be created for specific workflows. This is one for my show. I noticed at festivals over the summer that sometimes the PA could be really onstage depending on the structure of the staging. As we have no wedges, the singers could often be in line or even in front of the hangs. I was aware that if I pushed a quiet vocal it could get hot in the high frequencies, say 8 to 10K with reflections from the plastic sides to the staging. This event means that if I really push a vocal hard—in my case above +3dB on the fader—it will auto cut 8 to 10K by a couple of dBs with a smooth fade, and then when I pull it back into the “safe zone”, it’ll flatten it back out again.
by Avid via Endless Supplies .Us - Brands

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