Friday, February 16, 2018

Double Socket Arms - RAM® Mounts For each size ball, there are multiple lengths of double socket arms to offer a longer extension or lower profile when desired. The B, C and D Size Arms each have three different lengths: Short, Standard and Long. The A and E Size Arms each have two lengths. The short length of one arm is approximately equal to the standard length of the next size down. Likewise, the long length of one arm size is approximately equal to the standard length of the next size up. Some socket arms include a spring either on one side of the arm, or routed through the center bolt. This spring allows the socket arm to open easier when loosening, and the offset lets you adjust one side of the mount while maintaining pressure against the opposite side. RAM® double socket arms with their distinctive Hourglass Shape are recognized globally as a symbol of the reliability, quality and durability of this line of products. The Hourglass Shape is a registered trademark of National Products Inc.

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