Sunday, June 9, 2019

Quantum Computing is Already Here

Quantum computing is the topic on this episode of The AI Minute. For more on Artificial Intelligence: Transcript: Quantum computing is not just coming, it's actually here. There are quantum computers shipping right now in very small numbers. Quantum Computing is a different system than the classical computing we're all used to. You know that the computers weĆ¢€™re accustomed to have bits and the bit can either store a 1 or a 0, an on or an off. Quantum computers on the other hand operate with qubits, and can be simultaneously a 1 and a 0 at the same time. Quantum computing is anything but intuitive. There is a position that the human brain and our intelligence and even consciousness itself is a quantum process. If this is the case, then as we rocket towards a future of quantum computing we may find that this is our path to general intelligence and machine consciousness.

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