Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Great AI Divide

The division between those excited by AI and those afraid of it is the topic of this episode of The AI Minute. For more on Artificial Intelligence: Transcript: The division between those who are excited about the prospects of an artificial general intelligence and those who are frightened by the same could not be more stark. There aren't many people who occupy some kind of a middle ground between these two positions. Why is that? The people who are concerned about what an artificial intelligence might do have three basic beliefs. The first is that machines can be dramatically smarter and more powerful than humans, the second, is that we're getting to a point where machines will be able to improve themselves without our help, and finally, the speed at which all of that will happen is staggeringly fast. Those who aren't worried about an artificial general intelligence anytime in the foreseeable future also have three things they believe they believe. First, that general intelligence is incredibly difficult, second that we will likely advance to it at a steady but slow pace with each step along the way being a hard one, and finally there won't ever be some “it's alive, it's alive” moment where the machine takes off on its own. There is little common ground between these two positions other than the simple fact that whatever is possible will happen.

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