Monday, December 18, 2017

8 Signs Your Mood & Energy Change with the Seasons

These 8 signs will help you figure out if you're one of the millions whose mood and energy levels are affected by the change in seasons and levels of daylight. Learn More at --- Most people don't realize that bright light is essential to our well-being just like water, air and food. Our bodies use bright, full spectrum light to regulate many of their functions. Much different from regular indoor lighting, bright light (like that from the sun) regulates our mood, sleep and energy levels. So when the temperature starts to cool and the sun's path drops lower in the sky, our bodies take notice - often before we do. Maybe you have even noticed changes in yourself as the seasons switch, but not made the connection to light before. If so, these signs will be helpful for understanding how light affects you. Sign #1 - You're getting outside as much as you can You may begin to notice that everything sounds better outside as the sunlight available to your body lessens. Lunch outdoors, meetings outdoors, and afternoon strolls outdoors all gain appeal as your body begins to crave additional light. Of course, in many parts of the country, colder temperatures eventually prevent this mid-day galavanting in the sun. But for now, you may feel the urge to get it while you can. 8 Signs Your're Affected by Seasonal Change - #1 Sign #2 - You notice that you're craving carbohydrates more Sunlight triggers the production of serotonin (a.k.a. "The Happiness Hormone"), and that's why feel happy and content on a beautiful sunny day. When the bright light of the sun becomes less available to us, our body… Read More at
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